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Best linear interpolation constant on a triangle

May 10, 2024 Leave a comment

Given a triangle T in the plane one may ask what is the best estimate one can get for the difference between a C^2 function u defined in T and the linear function taking the same values at the vertices of the triangle L_T(u). The difference u- L_T(u) should be evaluated in some norm involving the derivatives of u.

When dealing with finite element estimations it is a natural question to try and bound the difference of the gradients in L^2: \| \nabla u - \nabla L_T(u)\|_{L^2} since the L^2 estimate is usually easier to obtain. Since solutions of PDEs are often in H^2, i.e. the second derivatives have bounded L^2 norms, it is natural to ask if it is possible to find a constant C such that

\displaystyle  \| \nabla u - \nabla L_T(u)\|_{L^2} \leq C |u|_2

where |u|_2^2 = \int_T \partial_{xx}u^2+2\partial_{xy}u^2+\partial_{yy}^2 is the semi-norm involving only integrals of the second derivatives of u. It turns out that such a constant exists and finding the dependence on C on the triangle T is a challenging question and an active field of research. This is mainly due to the fact that knowing explicitly the constant C immediately gives useful and explicit error bounds for solutions of finite element problem. With the rise of the research domain of validated computing, this is an essential topic.

Let me name a few papers where such results are discussed:

  • Estimation of interpolation error constants for the P0 and P1 triangular finite elements by Fumio Kikuchi and Xuefeng Liu: In this paper, explicit formulas for C are given in terms of the elements of the triangle. This is quite useful if the mesh contains triangles with variable geometries.
  • For a fixed triangle T, the optimal constant is in fact related to the first eigenvalue of a fourth order problem. This is discussed in the following note by Handscomb:
  • Kobayashi proposes multiple explicit formulas for the constant C in The proofs are not complete, but they are verified for a large class of triangles through discrete eigenvalue problems. Indeed, using a triangulation of T with congruent triangles and finding the discrete eigenvalue on that triangulation for the minimization of the quotient \displaystyle \frac{\int_T |u|_2^2}{\int_T |\nabla u|^2} with the Morley finite elements gives an explicit upper bound for the constant.

Iterative algorithms – Convergence rates

April 13, 2024 Leave a comment

In optimization and any other iterative numerical algorithms, we are interested in having convergence estimates for all algorithms. We are not only interested in showing that the error goes to {0}, although that is essential, but also at what speed the error goes to {0}. An algorithm which converges quicker is a better choice in all cases!

Generally, there are two points of view for convergence: convergence in terms of {1/n} where {n} is the number of iterations or having a comparison between the error at iteration {n+1} and the error at the iteration {n}. I will take the latter point of view below.

To fix the ideas, denote {e_n} the error estimate for {|x_n-x^*|}, where {x_n} is the current iterate and {x^*} is the solution to the problem.

We have the following standard classification:

  • linear convergence: there exists {q \in (0,1)} such that {r_{i+1} \leq q r_i}
    {\star} the constant {q \in (0,1)} is called the convergence ratio {\star} it is easy to show that {r_i \leq q^i r_0}, so in particular {r_i \rightarrow 0}.
  • sublinear convergence: {r_i \rightarrow 0} but is not linearly converging
  • superlinear convergence: {r_i\rightarrow 0} with any positive convergence ratio
    {\star} sufficient condition: {\lim\limits_{i\rightarrow \infty} (r_{i+1}/{r_i}) =0}
  • {convergence of order {p>1}}: there exists {C>0} such that for {i} large enough\displaystyle r_{i+1} \leq Cr_i^p
    {\star} {p} is called the order of convergence 
    {\star} the case {p=2} has a special name: quadratic convergence

To underline the significant difference between linear and superlinear convergence consider the following examples: Let {\gamma \in (0,1)}. Then:

  • {(\gamma^n)} converges linearly to zero, but not superlinearly
  • {(\gamma^{n^2})} converges superlinearly to zero, but not quadratically
  • {(\gamma^{2^n})} converges to zero quadratically

Quadratic convergence is much faster than linear convergence.

Among optimization algorithm, the simpler ones are usually linearly convergent (bracketing algorithms: trisection, Golden search, Bisection algorithm, gradient descent). Algorithms involving higher order information or approximation are generally superlinear (Secant method, Newton, BFGS or LBFGS in higher dimensions etc.).

There is a huge difference between linear convergence and super-linear convergence. If a faster algorithm is available using it is surely useful!

Golden search algorithm – efficient 1D gradient free optimization

April 12, 2024 Leave a comment

Bracketing algorithms for minimizing one dimensional unimodal functions have the form:

  • Suppose {[a_n,b_n]} is an interval containing the minimizer {x^*};
  • Pick {x^-<x^+} in {[a_n,b_n]} and evaluate the function at these points.
  • If {f(x^-)\leq f(x^+)} then choose {[a_{n+1},b_{n+1}] = [a_n,x^+]}
  • If {f(x^-)\geq f(x^+)} then choose {[a_{n+1},b_{n+1}] = [x^-,b_n]}
  • Stop the process when {[a_n,b_n]} has a length smaller than a given tolerance or a given maximum number of function evaluations is reached.

The simplest algorithm corresponds to choosing {x^-,x^+} which divide the interval {[a_n,b_n]} into three equal parts. This algorithm can be called trisection algorithm. Below you can see the intervals and intermediary points {x^-,x^+} for a few iterations in the trisection algorithm.

Bracketing intervals and intermediary points for trisection algorithm
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Optimizing a 1D function – trisection algorithm

April 11, 2024 Leave a comment

Optimization problems take the classical form

\displaystyle \min_{x \in K} f(x).

Not all such problems have explicit solution, therefore numerical algorithms may help approximate potential solutions.

Numerical algorithms generally produce a sequence which approximates the minimizer. Information regarding function values and its derivatives are used to generate such an approximation.

The easiest context is one dimensional optimization. The basic intuition regarding optimization algorithms starts by understanding the 1D case. Not all problems are easy to handle for a numerical optimization algorithm. Take a look at the picture below:

photo from Ziv Bar-Joseph
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An inequality involving complex numbers

March 19, 2024 Leave a comment

Consider {n\geq 1} and {n} complex numbers {z_1,...,z_n \in \Bbb C}. Show that

\displaystyle \sum_{k =1}^n |z_k||z-z_k|\geq \sum_{k=1}^n |z_k|^2, \text{ for every } z \in \Bbb{C},

if and only if {z_1+...+z_n = 0}.

Proposed by Dan Stefan Marinescu in the Romanian Mathematical Gazette 

Solution: For someone familiar with optimality conditions in multi-variable calculus this is straightforward. Notice that

\displaystyle f(z) = \sum_{k =1}^n |z_k||z-z_k|

is a convex function (linear combination of distances in the plane). The inequality is equivalent to {f(z) \geq f(0)}, which means that {0} is the global minimum of the function.

For a convex, differentiable function global minimality is equivalent to verifying first order optimality conditions. Denoting {z = x+iy}, {z_k = x_k+iy_k} the partial derivatives of the function {f} with respect to {x,y} are

\displaystyle \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x,y) = \sum_{k=1}^n \sqrt{x_k^2+y_k^2}\frac{x-x_k}{\sqrt{(x-x_k)^2+(y-y_k)^2}},

\displaystyle \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}(x,y) = \sum_{k=1}^n \sqrt{x_k^2+y_k^2}\frac{y-y_k}{\sqrt{(x-x_k)^2+(y-y_k)^2}}.

If {\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(0,0) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}(0,0)} then {\sum x_k=\sum y_k = 0} and the conclusion follows. The converse also holds, obviously.

Since this problem was proposed for 10th grade, let’s use some simpler arguments to arrive to a proof. Denote by {g = \frac{1}{n}(z_1+...+z_n)}. A quick computation using properties of the modulus gives:

\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^n |z-z_k|^2 = n|z-g|^2+\sum_{i=1}^n |z_k|^2

Thus {\sum_{k=1}^n |g-z_k|^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n |z_k|^2}. Of course, the classical inequality {a^2+b^2 \geq 2ab} implies

\displaystyle 2\sum_{k=1}^n |z_k|^2 = \sum_{k=1}^n |g-z_k|^2+\sum_{i=1}^n |z_k|^2\geq 2 \sum_{k=1}^n |z_k||g-z_k|.

If the inequality in the statement of the problem holds, the above relation becomes an equality and {|z_k|=|g-z_k|} for all {k=1,...,n}. Therefore points {z_k} belong to the mediatrix of the segment {0g}. Therefore the centroid {g} also belongs to this mediatrix and to {0g}, which implies {g=0}, as requested.

Conversely, if {z_1+...+z_k = 0} consider the inequality

\displaystyle |a||b| \geq \frac{1}{2}(\overline a b + a\overline b)to conclude.

Romanian Regional Olympiad 2024 – 10th grade

March 12, 2024 Leave a comment

Problem 1. Let {a,b \in \Bbb{R}}, {a>1}, {b>0}. Find the smallest real number {\alpha} such that

\displaystyle (a+b)^x \geq a^x+b, \forall x \geq \alpha.

Problem 2. Consider {ABC} a triangle inscribed in the circle {\mathcal C} of center {O} and radius {1}. For any {M \in \mathcal C\setminus \{A,B,C\}} denote by {S(M) = OH_1^2+OH_2^2+OH_3^2} where {H_1,H_2,H_3} are the orthocenters of the triangles {MAB,MBC,MCA}, respectively.

a) Prove that if the triangle {ABC} is equilateral then {s(M)=6} for every {M \in \mathcal C \setminus \{A,B,C\}}.

b) Show that if there exist three distinct points {M_1,M_2,M_3 \in \mathcal C\setminus \{A,B,C\}} such that {s(M_1)=s(M_2)=s(M_3)}, then the triangle {ABC} is equilateral. 

Problem 3. Let {a,b,c} be three non-zero complex numbers with the same modulus for which {A=a+b+c} and {B=abc} are real numbers. Show that for every positive integer {n} the number {C_n = a^n+b^n+c^n} is real. 

Problem 4. Let {n \in \Bbb N^*}. Determine all functions {f:\Bbb{R} \rightarrow \Bbb{R}} which verify

\displaystyle f(x+y^{2n})=f(f(x))+y^{2n-1}f(y),

for every {x,y \in \Bbb{R}} and such that {f(x)=0} has a unique solution. 


Problem 1: study the monotonicity of the function {g(x)= (a+b)^x-a^x}. Then observe that the inequality is equivalent to {g(x) \geq g(1)}

Problem 2: Recall the identity {OH^2 = 9R^2-AB^2-BC^2-CA^2} whenever {H} is the orthocenter of {ABC} with circumcenter {O}. This can be proved using complex numbers and recalling that {OH = 3OG}, where {G} is the center of gravity. Therefore

\displaystyle OH_1^2 = 9-MA^2-MB^2-AB^2and the analogue equalities. Summing we get

\displaystyle s(M) = 27-2\sum MA^2-\sum AB^2.a) When {ABC} is equilateral and inscribed in a circle of radius {1} we have {AB=BC=CA=\sqrt{3}}. Moreover, the identity In particular, one can prove the following:

\displaystyle AM^2+BM^2+CM^2 = AG^2+BG^2+CG^2+3MG^2applied to the triangle equilateral triangle {ABC} with centroid {O} shows that

\displaystyle MA^2+MB^2+MC^2 = AO^2+BO^2+CO^2+3MO^2=6.Thus

\displaystyle s(M) = 27-12-9 = 6.b) Assume there exist three distinct points such that {s(M_1)=s(M_2)=s(M_3)}. This implies that

\displaystyle \sum M_1A^2 = \sum M_2A^2 = \sum M_3A^2.The relation above concerning the center of gravity of {ABC} shows that {M_1G=M_2G=M_3G}. Since the points are distinct, it follows that {G} coincides with {O}, the circumcenter of {ABC}, therefore {ABC} is equilateral.

Problem 3: Denote {r>0} the common value of the modulus: {|a|=|b|=|c|=r}. Then

\displaystyle \overline{a+b+c} = r^2\left( \frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}\right) = r^2 \frac{ab+bc+ca}{abc}.Since {r, a+b+c, abc \in \Bbb{R}} it follows that {ab+bc+ca\in \Bbb{R}}. Then of course {a^2+b^2+c^2 = (a+b+c)^2-2(ab+bc+ca) \in \Bbb{R}}. Finally, we know that {a,b,c} are roots of

\displaystyle (z-a)(z-b)(z-c)=0 \Longleftrightarrow z^3-(a+b+c)z^2+(ab+bc+ca)z-abc=0.Since the coefficients of this polynomial are real, an inductive argument shows that if {C_n, C_{n+1}, C_{n+2}} are real then {C_{n+3}} is real, finishing the proof. 

Problem 4. Take {y=0} and get {f(x) = f(f(x))}. Thus, {f} is the identity mapping on its image!! Take {y\mapsto -y} and observe that {y^{2n-1}f(y) = -y^{2n-1}f(-y)}. Therefore {f(-y)=-f(y)} for any {y \neq 0}. Since the equation {f(x)=0} has a unique solution, it follows that {f(0)=0} and {f(x) \neq 0} for {x \neq 0}. Take {x=0} and get {f(y^{2n}) = y^{2n-1}f(y)}. Therefore

\displaystyle f(x+y^{2n})=f(x)+f(y^{2n})for any {x,y}. Since {y^{2n}} takes all positive values in {\Bbb{R}} it follows that

\displaystyle f(x+y) = f(x)+f(y)for every {x\in \Bbb{R}}, {y \geq 0}. Coupled with {f(-y)=-f(y)} this implies that

\displaystyle f(x+y)= f(x)+f(y).for all {x,y}. If {f(x_1)=f(x_2)} it follows that {f(x_1-x_2)=0} therefore {x_1=x_2}. From {f(f(x))=f(x)} we obtain {f(x)=x} for all reals {x}. It should be noted that this function obviously verifies the functional equation!

Putnam 2023 A1-A3

February 15, 2024 Leave a comment

A1. For a positive integer {n}, let {f_n(x) = \cos(x) \cos(2x) \cos(3x) \cdots \cos(nx)}. Find the smallest {n} such that {|f_n''(0)| > 2023}

Hints: Observe that

\displaystyle f_n'(x) = -f_n(x)\sum_{k=1}^n k \tan(kx).

Differentiate again and observe that

\displaystyle f_n''(x) = -f_n'(x)\sum_{k=1}^n k \tan(kx)+f_n(x) \sum_{k=1}^n k^2 (1+\tan^2(kx)).

It is straightforward now to evaluate {f_n''(0)} and to answer the question. 

A2. Let {n} be an even positive integer. Let {p} be a monic, real polynomial of degree {2n}; that is to say, {p(x) = x^{2n} + a_{2n-1} x^{2n-1} + \cdots + a_1 x + a_0} for some real coefficients {a_0, \dots, a_{2n-1}}. Suppose that {p(1/k) = k^2} for all integers {k} such that {1 \leq |k| \leq n}. Find all other real numbers {x} for which {p(1/x) = x^2}

Hints: Denote {g(y) = p(y)y^2}. Then {y \mapsto g(y)} is a polynomial of degree {2n+2}. Moreover, {g(1/k) = 1} for {1\leq |k|\leq n}, showing that {g-1} has the {2n} roots {\pm \frac{1}{k}}.

It follows that {g(y) = 1+\prod_{k=1}^n (y-\frac{1}{k})(y+\frac{1}{k}) \times (ay^2+by+c)}. Identifying coefficients one finds {a=1}, {b=0} and the value of {c} is obtained by observing that the constant term in {g} should be zero. Then the answer to the question is obtained by investigating the roots of {ay^2+by+c}. I guess a distinction should be made between the cases {n} even or odd, since it seems that the sign of {c} depends on that. 

A3. Determine the smallest positive real number {r} such that there exist differentiable functions {f\colon \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}} and {g\colon \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}} satisfying

  1. (a) {f(0) > 0},
  2. (b) {g(0) = 0},
  3. (c) {|f'(x)| \leq |g(x)|} for all {x},
  4. (d) {|g'(x)| \leq |f(x)|} for all {x}, and
  5. (e) {f(r) = 0}.

Hints: Of course, an example of functions {f,g} are {\cos} and {\sin}. This suggests that the answer could be {r = \pi/2}. In any case, this example shows that the smallest {r} verifies {r \leq \pi/2}.

Assuming that {r} is the smallest zero, on {[0,r]} we have {f(t)\geq 0}. Now let’s try to obtain some differential inequality using the hypothesis:

\displaystyle f'(x)+\int_0^x f(t)dt \geq -|g(x)|+\int_0^x |g'(t)|dt \geq 0,

where the last inequality follows from {g(x) = \int_0^x g'(t)}.

Therefore {F(x) = \int_0^x f(t)dt-f(0)\sin x} verifies {F(0)=0, F'(0)=0} and

\displaystyle F''(x)+F(x) \geq 0.

Therefore we have {F''(x)+F(x) = q(x)\geq 0} on {[0,r]} with {F'(0)=F(0)=0}. The general solution is

\displaystyle F(x) = A\cos x+B\sin x+\int_0^x q(t)\sin (x-t)dt.

The initial conditions show that {A=B=0}. Therefore

\displaystyle F(x) = \int_0^x q(t)\sin(x-t)dt, x\in [0,r]

and since {r\leq \pi/2} we have {F(x) \geq 0} on {[0,r]}. Moreover {F'(x) = \int_0^x q(t)\cos(x-t)dt} which is also non-negative on {[0,r]}. This implies

\displaystyle f(x)-f(0)\cos x\geq 0, x \in [0,r].

Thus the smallest {r} such that {f(r)=0} is indeed {r = \pi/2}.

Algebraic proof of the Finsler-Hadwiger inequality

December 29, 2023 Leave a comment

Weitzenbock’s inequality states that if {a,b,c} are the side lengths of a triangle with area {S} then

\displaystyle a^2+b^2+c^2 \geq 4\sqrt{3} S.

A strengthening of this result due to Finsler and Hadwiger states

\displaystyle a^2+b^2+c^2 \geq (a-b)^2+(b-c)^2+(c-a)^2+4\sqrt{3} S.

A variety of proofs rely on various trigonometric or geometric arguments. Below you can find a purely algebraic argument based on the classical characterization: {a,b,c} are side lengths of a triangle if and only if there exist {x,y,z \geq 0} such that {a=y+z}, {b=x+z}, {c=x+y}. If {x,y,z} are strictly positive then the triangle will be non-degenerate.

Replacing {a,b,c} with the above formulas replaces an inequality in a triangle with a general inequality where only positivity of the variables is involved. With this substitution, using classical notation for cyclic sums gives

\displaystyle a^2+b^2+c^2 = 2\sum x^2+2\sum xy


\displaystyle (a-b)^2+(b-c)^2+(c-a)^2 = 2\sum x^2-2\sum xy.

On the other hand the area given by Heron’s formula is

\displaystyle S = \sqrt{xyz(x+y+z)}.

Thus, Weitzenbock’s inequality is equivalent to

\displaystyle 2\sum x^2+2\sum xy \geq 4\sqrt{3} \sqrt{xyz(x+y+z)}

and the Finsler-Hadwiger inequality is equivalent to

\displaystyle \sum xy \geq \sqrt{3xyz(x+y+z)}.

This inequality follows at once, since squaring both sides gives

\displaystyle \sum x^2y^2 \geq \sum (xy)(yz),

which is a well known consequence of

\displaystyle X^2+Y^2+Z^2 \geq XY+YZ+ZX.

Equality holds, of course, if and only if {X=Y=Z}. If the triangle is non-degenerate then it must be equilateral. Thus, Weitzenbock and Finsler-Hadwiger inequalities follow at once from classical inequalities, once the side lengths of a triangle are replaced with unconstrained variables.

A proof of the Hadwiger Finsler inequality

December 14, 2023 Leave a comment

The Hadwiger-Finsler inequality states that if {a,b,c} are the side lengths of a triangle with area {S} then

\displaystyle a^2+b^2+c^2 \geq (a-b)^2+(b-c)^2+(c-a)^2+4\sqrt{3}S.

This was discussed previously on the blog. This post shows a translation of the original paper by Hadwiger and Finsler and this post shows a surprising geometrical proof.

Various proofs of the inequality are known. However, since an equality always beats an inequality, let us prove the identity

\displaystyle a^2+b^2+c^2 = (a-b)^2+(b-c)^2+(c-a)^2+4S\left( \tan \frac{A}{2}+\tan \frac{B}{2}+\tan \frac{C}{2}\right).

It is immediate to see that Jensen’s inequality applied to the tangent function, which is convex on {[0,\pi/2]} is enough to deduce the Hadwiger-Finsler inequality from the above identity. To prove the identity, simply compute

\displaystyle 4S \tan \frac{A}{2} = 2bc\sin A \tan \frac{A}{2} = 2bc 2\sin^2 \frac{A}{2} = 2bc(1-\cos A).

Replacing the usual formula {\cos A = (b^2+c^2-a^2)/(2bc)} gives

\displaystyle 4S \tan \frac{A}{2} = 2bc-b^2-c^2+a^2.

Summing these identities for the three angles {A,B,C} gives precisely the desired result. The same proof can be found, for example, here.

Is the Earth flat?

November 28, 2023 3 comments

Consider the following experiment: the pairwise distances between four cities on Earth are given. Can you answer the following questions:

1) Can these distances be realized in a flat Earth?

2) Assuming the Earth is spherical and distances are measured along geodesics, can you determine the radius?

The test case was inspired from the following note. The initial test case involves the cities: Seattle, Boston, Los Angeles and Miami. A second test case is provided below.

You can use the Python code to create new test cases of your own. 

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Area of a spherical triangle

November 28, 2023 Leave a comment

A spherical triangle is obtained by joining three points {A}, {B}, {C} by geodesics. Assume the sphere has unit radius and the three points are contained in a half sphere. Then the area of the spherical triangle {ABC} is given by

\displaystyle \alpha+\beta+\gamma-\pi

where {\alpha,\beta,\gamma} are the angles of the spherical triangle {ABC}

Proof: Draw the great circles associated to {AB}, {AC}, meeting again at the point {A'}, the diametrically opposite point to {A}. The resulting (double) slice {S_A} of the sphere has are {\frac{2\alpha}{2\pi}} of the area of the sphere. Since the area of the sphere equals {4\pi}, it follows that the slice has area {4\alpha}. The analogue slices {S_B, S_C} of the sphere associated to vertices {B} and {C} have areas {4\beta} and {4\gamma} respectively. Let us observe that the slices {S_A,S_B,S_C} cover the whole sphere in the following way: the triangles {ABC} and {A'B'C'} being covered three times and every other point is covered once. Therefore, the sum {4\alpha+4\beta+4\gamma} equals the area of the sphere plus four times the area of the triangle {ABC}. The result follows dividing by four.

The image was taken from here.

Area of a spherical rectangle

October 25, 2023 Leave a comment

A spherical rectangle is a spherical geodesic quadrilateral whose vertices {a,b,c,d} form an Euclidean rectangle. In other words, the opposite edges are equal and all angles are equal. Suppose the side lengths {\theta, \theta' \in (0,\pi)} of pairs of opposite sides are known. Show that the area of the rectangle is given by

\displaystyle R(\theta,\theta')= 4\arcsin \left(\tan \frac{\theta}{2} \tan \frac{\theta'}{2}\right).

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Maximal area polygons contained in disk/ellipse

September 22, 2023 Leave a comment

Consider the unit disk {D} and {n\geq 3}. Prove that the {n}-gon of maximal area contained in {D} is the inscribed regular {n}-gon.

Deduce that the maximal area {n}-gon inscribed in an ellipse is not unique. 

This was inspired by the following MathOverflow question.

Solution: Obviously, a maximal area polygon will be convex, otherwise take the convex hull.

 First, observe that an {n}-gon contained in {D} is not maximal for the area if one of its vertices does not belong to {D}. Indeed, it is enough to pick a vertex {v} of {P} which does not belong to {\partial D} and move it in the direction orthogonal to the adjacent diagonal towards {\partial D}. This movement will increase the area.

Moreover, any maximal area polygon must contain the center of {D}. If not, then such a polygon would be strictly contained in a half disk. A translation and a dilation could further increase the area, contradicting optimality. Thus, the maximal area {n}-gon is an inscribed {n}-gon.

Such a polygon is completely characterized (up to a permutation of its sides) by the lengths of its sides, or equivalently, the angles at the center of {D} made by the sides. Consider {\theta_1,...,\theta_n\in [0,\pi]} the angles at the center for an inscribed {n}-gon. Then its area is simply

\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\sin \\theta_1+\frac{1}{2}\sin \theta_2+...+\frac{1}{2}\sin \theta_n.

Since {\theta_1+...+\theta_n=2\pi} and {\sin} is concave on {[0,\pi]}, Jensen’s inequality shows that the maximal area is attained for the regular {n}-gon.

Any ellipse is an image of the disk through an affine transformation. Since affine transformations preserve area ratios, any image of a in inscribed regular {n}-gon in {D} through the affine mapping will produce an {n}-gon of maximal area contained in the ellipse. This provides an infinite family of non-equal {n} gons which maximize the area.

IMO 2023 Problem 2

July 19, 2023 1 comment

Problem 2. Let {ABC} be an acute-angled triangle with {AB < AC}. Let {\Omega} be the circumcircle of {ABC}. Let {S} be the midpoint of the arc {CB} of {\Omega} containing {A}. The perpendicular from {A} to {BC} meets {BS} at {D} and meets {\Omega} again at {E \neq A}. The line through {D} parallel to {BC} meets line {BE} at {L}. Denote the circumcircle of triangle {BDL} by {\omega}. Let {\omega} meet {\Omega} again at {P \neq B}.

Prove that the line tangent to {\omega} at {P} meets line {BS} on the internal angle bisector of {\angle BAC}.

Solution: Let us first do some angle chasing. Since {BC||LD} we have {\angle EBC=\angle BLD} and since {BLPD} is cyclic we have {\angle BLD = \angle PBD}. Therefore, if {E' \in PD \cap \Omega} we have {\angle BPE'=\angle EBC=\angle EAC}. Therefore the arcs {BE'} and {CE} are equal.

Denote by {F} the midpoint of the short arc {BC} of {\Omega}. Then {AF} is the angle bisector of {\angle BAC}. Moreover, {E} and {E'} are symmetric with respect to {SF} and {AE'} is a diameter in {\Omega}.

Let us denote {G \in BS\cap AF, H \in AF\cap PE'}. It is straightforward to see that {\angle EAF = \angle FSE'}, and since {AE||SF} we have {AF||SE'}.

Moreover, {\angle AEE'=90^\circ}. Considering {Q \in AE\cap SE'}, since {SE=SE'} we find that {S} is the midpoint of {QE'}. Then, since {AH||QE'} in {\Delta DQE'} we find that {G} is the midpoint of {AH}. But {\angle APH=90^\circ}, since {AE'} is a diameter. It follows that {\angle GPH = \angle AHP}.

On the other hand, {\angle BGF = \frac{1}{2}( \text{arc}(AS)+\text{arc}(EF) = \angle PBG}, showing that {PBHG} is cyclic and {PG} is tangent to the circle circumscribed to {PLBD}. As shown in the figure below, the geometry of this problem is quite rich.

There are quite a few inscribed hexagon where Pascal’s theorem could be applied. Moreover, to reach the conclusion of the problem it would be enough to prove that {AF, PE'} and {BP'} are concurrent, where {P'} is the symmetric of {P} with respect to {SF}.

Categories: Geometry, IMO, Olympiad Tags: , ,

IMO 2023 Problem 4

July 12, 2023 Leave a comment

Problem 4. Let {x_1,x_2,\dots,x_{2023}} be pairwise different positive real numbers such that

\displaystyle a_n=\sqrt{(x_1+x_2+\dots+x_n)\left(\frac{1}{x_1}+\frac{1}{x_2}+\dots+\frac{1}{x_n}\right)}is an integer for every {n=1,2,\dots,2023.} Prove that {a_{2023} \geqslant 3034.} 

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IMO 2023 Problem 1

July 12, 2023 Leave a comment

Problem 1. Determine all composite integers {n>1} that satisfy the following property: if {d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_k} are all the positive divisors of {n} with {1=d_1<d_2<\cdots<d_k=n}, then {d_i} divides {d_{i+1}+d_{i+2}} for every {1 \leqslant i \leqslant k-2}

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Problems of the International Mathematical Olympiad 2023

July 11, 2023 Leave a comment

Problem 1. Determine all composite integers {n>1} that satisfy the following property: if {d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_k} are all the positive divisors of {n} with {1=d_1<d_2<\cdots<d_k=n}, then {d_i} divides {d_{i+1}+d_{i+2}} for every {1 \leqslant i \leqslant k-2}

Problem 2. Let {ABC} be an acute-angled triangle with {AB < AC}. Let {\Omega} be the circumcircle of {ABC}. Let {S} be the midpoint of the arc {CB} of {\Omega} containing {A}. The perpendicular from {A} to {BC} meets {BS} at {D} and meets {\Omega} again at {E \neq A}. The line through {D} parallel to {BC} meets line {BE} at {L}. Denote the circumcircle of triangle {BDL} by {\omega}. Let {\omega} meet {\Omega} again at {P \neq B}. Prove that the line tangent to {\omega} at {P} meets line {BS} on the internal angle bisector of {\angle BAC}

Problem 3. For each integer {k \geqslant 2}, determine all infinite sequences of positive integers {a_1, a_2, \ldots} for which there exists a polynomial {P} of the form {P(x)=x^k+c_{k-1} x^{k-1}+\cdots+c_1 x+c_0}, where {c_0, c_1, \ldots, c_{k-1}} are non-negative integers, such that

\displaystyle P\left(a_n\right)=a_{n+1} a_{n+2} \cdots a_{n+k}

for every integer {n \geqslant 1}

Problem 4. Let {x_1,x_2,\dots,x_{2023}} be pairwise different positive real numbers such that

\displaystyle a_n=\sqrt{(x_1+x_2+\dots+x_n)\left(\frac{1}{x_1}+\frac{1}{x_2}+\dots+\frac{1}{x_n}\right)}

is an integer for every {n=1,2,\dots,2023.} Prove that {a_{2023} \geqslant 3034.} 

Problem 5. Let {n} be a positive integer. A Japanese triangle consists of {1 + 2 + \dots + n} circles arranged in an equilateral triangular shape such that for each {i = 1}, {2}, {\dots}, {n}, the {i^{th}} row contains exactly {i} circles, exactly one of which is coloured red. A ninja path in a Japanese triangle is a sequence of {n} circles obtained by starting in the top row, then repeatedly going from a circle to one of the two circles immediately below it and finishing in the bottom row. Here is an example of a Japanese triangle with {n = 6}, along with a ninja path in that triangle containing two red circles.

In terms of {n}, find the greatest {k} such that in each Japanese triangle there is a ninja path containing at least {k} red circles. 

Problem 6. Let {ABC} be an equilateral triangle. Let {A_1,B_1,C_1} be interior points of {ABC} such that {BA_1=A_1C}, {CB_1=B_1A}, {AC_1=C_1B}, and

\displaystyle \angle BA_1C+\angle CB_1A+\angle AC_1B=480^\circ

Let {BC_1} and {CB_1} meet at {A_2,} let {CA_1} and {AC_1} meet at {B_2,} and let {AB_1} and {BA_1} meet at {C_2.} Prove that if triangle {A_1B_1C_1} is scalene, then the three circumcircles of triangles {AA_1A_2, BB_1B_2} and {CC_1C_2} all pass through two common points.

(Note: a scalene triangle is one where no two sides have equal length.)

Source:, AOPS forums

Polygon with an odd number of sides

July 6, 2023 Leave a comment

Let {A_1...A_n} be a convex polygon. Suppose there exists a point {P} inside the polygon such that each one of the segments {PA_i}, {i=1,...,n} intersects exactly one side of the polygon in its interior. Prove that {n} is odd.

Alternative reformulation: Let {A_1...A_{2n}} be a convex polygon with an even number of sides and {P} be an interior point. Then there exist two of the segments {PA_1,...,PA_{2n}} which intersect the same side.

Romanian Team Selection test 2007

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A series involving a multiplicative function

May 24, 2023 8 comments

Let {f:\Bbb{N}^* \rightarrow \Bbb{N}^*} be a function with the property that {f(m\cdot n) = f(n)f(m)} for any {n,m\in \Bbb N^*}. Moreover, suppose that {f(p_n)=n+1} for all {n \geq 1}, where {p_n} is the {n}-th prime number.

Prove that

\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{f(n)^2} = 2.

I posted this problem quite a while back. Here is a solution I found recently.

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Maximize the circumradius of a unit diameter simplex

May 22, 2023 Leave a comment

Given a simplex in dimension {d} with diameter at most equal to one, what is its largest possible circumradius? The question is well posed, since a ball of diameter {2} will cover all the points (a ball of radius {1} centered at one of the given points).

Consider {d+1} points in dimension {d} and suppose the origin is the center of the circumscribed ball. Then given two vertices {x_i,x_j}, the circumradius verifies {|x_i-x_j|^2 = |x_i|^2+|x_j|^2-2x_i\cdot x_j = R^2(2-2\cos \widehat{(x_i,x_j)})}. Therefore, one should maximize the minimal cosine of angles of two such vectors.

An immediate upper bound, which is tight can be obtained from the identity {|x_1+...+x_{d+1}|^2 = (d+1)R^2+2R^2 \sum_{i<j} \cos \widehat{x_i,x_j}}. It can be seen that {\min \cos \widehat{x_i,x_j} \leq -\frac{d+1}{2} / {d+1\choose 2}=-\frac{1}{d}}. Thus the maximal circumradius verifies

\displaystyle R^2 \leq \frac{1}{2+\frac{2}{d}}= \frac{d}{2d+2}.This coincides with the case where all angles between different vectors are equal and their cosine is {-1/d}, i.e. the simplex is regular.